Wednesday, November 07, 2012

RIP America, we hardly knew you

To wake up this morning, the day after the election, and learn of the outcome is akin to being shown proof of global warming/climate change/ climate disruption etc.  Un-effing-believable. As I sit here with my second cup of life giving coffee my mind try’s to assign a blame for the disaster that has happened while I slumbered.  We who are called the Baby Boomers or Pre-Boomers must accept the responsibility for this destruction of the country that we worked all our life to build.  The most stupid words ever spoken were “I don’t want my children to suffer as I did to make a life for themselves.”  And, they didn’t.  We provided and provided and gave them as much of our resources as we could. They led a work free life into adulthood where the belief that their wants and needs would be provided.  Generation X, Generation Y, Millennials or whatever label you wish to attach, we made that happen.  As my late Grand mama would say “Them’s a bunch of ne’er do wells.”  Also known as the moocher class.  Not having to have had to make decisions about their own welfare they were prime targets for the socialists propaganda and they followed and believed anything that spewed from the television talking heads.  From the ‘60s hippies, who became the college professors, to the occupy dregs of the 2000s they fell in line and accepted the tired old theory that a government could and should provide everything.  The fact that the government has no income and must take the money from someone else to redistribute was an unknown to them.  “Just tax the 1% more and get on with it, I needs a new Smartphone.”  Money from the rich and corporations will eventually run out.  When the economy collapses we are all, moochers included, going down the road to the poor house. My income is from the government as much as I hate it.  Military retirement, Civil service retirement and Social Security.  And, before you say “See there, you’re a moocher too” keep in mind that I worked and paid into the system my entire life.  Starting in 1957, when the military came under Social Security, I contributed the rest of my working career.  Now, what does all this mean?  When the economy collapses all government payments stop.  Everyone on Social Security, Welfare, Military retirement, Civil Service retirement etc will be broke.  In addition, remember what Mr. Chavez in Venezuela did when the economy was nearing collapse.  He nationalized all financial institutions and private Oil Companies.  If that happens here, all our saving whether in cash or retirement plans then belong to the government to cover the national debt. Even those on private business retirement plans are in the same boat.  “There ain’t no money honey.”
My generation and that which has been called the Baby Boomers are dying out at a high rate.  We are now outnumbered by the moochers and it can only get worse. Don’t give me that crap about “We lost the battle but the war is still to be won.”  The war is lost. With this next four years the country that we have known and loved and worked our asses off for will soon be extinct.  RIP America we hardly knew you.

Well, did writing this make me feel any better?  Hell no, but it has relieved some of the frustration a bit. Beginning immediately we are in for a rough ride.
Starting January 1, 2013 the Bush tax cuts expire and there is no chance that a Democrat Senate will allow them to be continued.  Any one on limited income that is in the 10% bracket will then be in the 15% bracket and the rest will get into pocketbooks deeper.  Yeah I know, It’s patriotic to pay taxes.  Crazy Uncle Joe said so.

The only thing I can hope for is that at my age I’ll be Tango Uniform before the worst happens.