Friday, January 27, 2012

RedNeck History

Say old man, where you been for so long.
Well  Lorena, I’ve had other interests for awhile but, I’m back to spread more un-PC stuff.

When I refer to myself as a redneck there is a giant collective gasp from those in areas not of the southern persuasion.  My belief of being of the redneck variety is based on the understanding of its origin.
History Lesson – Pay attention:
During reconstruction there was an influx of northern nerdowells that infected our southern cities.  They brought northern money so they did not require employment and were just loiters who found fault with everything southern.  Much as the current crop of liberals.  When the local farmers and their wives came to town to buy staples these celluloid collar wearing loiters would laugh and make fun of the farmer’s redneck and how they were not cosmopolitan as they themselves.  The farmer’s neck was certainly red from working in the hot southern sun from sunup til sundown. A term we have for this is from can-to-can’t.  The farmer was producing food for and supporting the area.  The carpetbagger produced nothing.  It is in this vein that I refer to myself as a redneck.  I have worked hard all my life for what little I have.  The term has been bastardized in later years primarily by the media.  To that group the term redneck is synonymous with white trash.  These two are miles apart.  I am in no way white trash.  That term could more properly apply to the carpetbaggers of the past.

History lesson over:
Class dismissed.

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