Friday, July 06, 2012

High Road to Where?

As I watch the Romney campaign unfold it seems to be following a path that history confirms may be the wrong approach.  Most of us remember the Chicago Daily Tribune front page in November 1948 heralding “Dewey Defeats Truman.”  In that election Dewey chose to “Take the High Road.”  Truman’s ratings were in the toilet and he was vulnerable.  Most voters had forgot about Hitler dead, Germany Surrenders, Japan surrenders etc.  The local news was of other more pressing “Now” events.  With Dewey’s “High Road” approach he seemed to be unconcerned about the present.  The “High Road” leads to a cliff and the end is at the bottom along with your opponent that got there by a “Low road” without the fall.  Is Romney heading for a “Tom Dewey” moment?  The thought is frightening. I read that most political experts believe he needs to jettison his current advisers and get some attack dogs.  Let’s hope he listens.

Jeffery Lord at American Spectator has a fine article on this situation.

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