Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Car in the Ditch

Say old man, where you been?  Seems like an eternity since you posted anything here.

Well Ida Red, I’ve been spending time with old age.  Cataract surgery, Skin Cancer Surgery and the like dampens a person’s enthusiasm for such things.

The Golden Years
Are here at last
The Golden Years
Can kiss my ass

In addition, I am more than depressed about the condition to which my country has deteriorated.  From the economy to foreign affairs all are in the ditch and it’s doubtful if it can be set up-right again. Let’s use an analogy to describe where we are and the possibilities. [Not to liberals; An analogy is a make believe story that explains a real world situation.]  In this analogy we will represent the economy, small business, military readiness etc with a car in a ditch.  The ditch has some water and the water is slowly rising.  If the water level reaches the engine the car may not be able to be returned to a drivable condition: 

The Analogy

A crowd has gathered composed of Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, Tea Partiers and the like.  They tie a large rope to the rear bumper of the car and all grasp the rope.  As they pull the car starts to move.  It appears they will be able to free the car from its watery grave.  A large black limousine pulls up and men in black suits exit shouting extremists, racists, tea baggers and using a machete sever the rope.  Still shouting insults they reenter the limousine and leave showing the middle finger salute.  Those assembled tie the pieces of rope together and start to pull once more.  The limousine returns and still shouting severs the rope in two places and take the piece with them all the while shouting their insults.  The crowd now looks at one another and wonders what they can do.  They look down the road where a cloud of dust can be seen on the horizon.  The cloud comes closer and it can be seen as a caravan of pick-up trucks.  F-150s, a few F250s, all being led by a “Boss” F-350.  The caravan approaches and parks beside the road.  Men and women dressed in Camoes exit each truck.  Each is carrying a weapon.  Shot guns, hunting rifles, and side arms.  They line each side of the road.  One places an empty chair in the middle of the road on which is inscribed “Don’t Tread on Me.”  A log chain is removed from the bed of the F-350 and secured to the bumper of the car in the ditch. The other end is attached to the ball hitch of the truck.  The truck starts forward with a deep growl and the car starts to move….To be Continued.    

Will the car like our Republic be pulled out of its misery?  Those assembled look back down the road and on a distance rise they can see the limousine..waiting..waiting. Will those in the limousine find a cutting torch since their machete is useless against the chain?  Time will tell.  That time frame will be Jan 20, 2013 through Jan 20, 2017.  Will a Romney/Ryan administration even with the House and a reclaimed Senate be able to turn things around?

For any chance, VOTE in November.

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