Sunday, February 12, 2012

Politial Season Crap

Say old man whatcha got going on this time?

Well, Golly Miss Molly I’ve been thinking about our current political mess.  Here we are in another political season and there ain’t nothing different from all the rest that went before.  I have had to hold my nose through so many elections now my nose feels like a bird’s beak.  Being a “Road kill Republican” like I am I’m really bent about the current crop.  The real conservatives like Herman Cain an Michele Bachman couldn’t get by the early rounds and what’s left is so middle-of-the-road I’m not too sure we won’t have four more years of what we already have. Our so called Republican Establishment that thinks the rest of us are so dense we need to be taken by the hand and told who/whom for which to vote.  That’s the same folks that gave us Bob Dole and Juan McPain. Seems like the electorate is so dumb that they follow along with this reasoning like Muslims to a stoning.  The big idea is we need someone who is electable not necessarily way right.  Yeah right, like Dole and McPain?  I hear the ‘Some day old
______________ (Fill in the blank) will be in the White House.  I don’t give a damn about someday.  I’m so old that I want that someday to be today.  Years ago I saw what was coming and thought well, at my age I’ll be Toes Up before this republic implodes.  Now I’m starting to worry that I’m not going to die soon enough.  Hell, 2013 may grease the slide like WD40 on a door knob.  I want smaller gubmint, less regulation that’s choking business,  someone who has actually read the constitution,  close the borders from scum and terrorists  and someone with the balls to tell the Dems, PC crowd, talking heads and liberals to Go To Hell.  I want some respect for our GIs, especially those in the enlisted ranks, and some appreciation for what they have done and are doing.  I don’t care if they piss on the Ayatollah as long as they put his dick in the dirt afterward along with the rest of the backassward shits.  And then come Home and be able to find gainful employment.  There ain’t no R. Reagan on the horizon now.  Hell, There ain’t even a horizon anywhere in site.  But that’s just me.

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