Saturday, June 23, 2012

Price of gas is waaaay down, Bullshit

Woke up this morning and found I was breathing fairly regular.  Assumed I would be penciled in for another couple of days maybe.  Shaved, showered, teeth  and all the standard morning ritual then get dressed.  Cell phone clip, holster, Rugar LCP , etc.  Drove 20 miles to a town with a Publix and a Sam’s Club.  Little shopping and filled up the truck with gas at $3.12/ Gal.  Now all the local papers and TV web pages are singing about the price of gas being waaaay down.  OVER $3.00 A GALLON?  Doesn’t anyone remember gas at $0.50 a gallon?  I don’t care if it gets down to $2.50 a gallon.  That’s still ridiculous.  How did we get to being ecstatic with gas over $3.00 a gallon and how did we get here?
Well,  thanks to the environmentalists and our fellow comrades on “The other side of the aisle” we are being held hostage by a damn bunch of rag heads.  No new refineries in decades, no drilling to reclaim our own oil, and Federal regulations on business that is choking the life’s blood out of the industry.  And, fruit cakes like Owl Gore pushing for alternative energy.  Wind, solar, geo-thermal and the like will never replace what we have been and are still using.   We have enough fossil fuel in the ground to power this country until the next large meteor starts us over and the next group of dinosaurs can add to it.  Damn I’m pissed at the stupidity that abounds now.

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