Thursday, May 17, 2012

Edjumacation? What dat is?

I see that the Florida Dept of Education has lowered the passing grade for the fourth grade writing exam  “after only 27 percent of fourth graders passed, MyFoxOrlando reports.”  Try to follow the logic here.  They can’t write so accept that and give them a pass.  None of the brainiacs considered increasing the education process in writing skills.  Prime example of our current government  education system.  Put them in the pipe early, teach them to feel good about themselves, and spit them out the other end with no chance of a job that requires more than “Feel good.”  An ignorant citizenry is an easily controlled citizenry.  Ignorance of history allows the government at any level to define history.  With the aid of the pathetic media, government can use the bogy man under the bed approach to get the ignorant to fall in line.

Even more stupid of the lowering of the grade is some of the reasons given by the teachers who were remiss in teaching the students writing skills.  One question asked "Suppose you or someone else had a chance to ride a camel. Imagine what happens on this camel ride. Write a story about what happens on this camel ride."  The teachers said that was too hard since children in the fourth grade didn’t know what a camel was.  Looks like writing isn’t the only skill not taught in Florida.  

Looking at the web page of a local TV station and the articles written by their staff I believe that none have ever been introduced to English Grammar.  And, these are mostly college graduates.  Their on-air reports are slightly better since they can read a teleprompter.

I went to school in the 40s and 50s.  If, by the second or third grade, I couldn’t write a coherent sentence the teacher would rap my knuckles with a ruler and send me to extra class after the school day and remark “You just aren’t trying.”  I tried damn hard after that.  And, I did attend school in Florida through the fifth grade.  Of course you can’t teach that way today.  The parents would sue because Little Johnny was mistreated and had his “feel good” ruined for the rest of his life.

Changes need to be made although it may be too late.  Society has already been corrupted to the point that any sane voice will be shouted down by the power hungry.  Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, Democrats or any other classification are all in the power and gimmey mode.  Damn, I miss the past.   

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